Xuyi County

Xūyì County
Xuyi on the map of China

Xūyì County (盱眙) is a county which falls under the jurisdiction of Huai'an, Jiangsu Province. The most renowned specialty in Xuyi County is the special flavoured crayfish(盱眙十三香手抓龙虾). In every summer the international crayfish festival of China(中国国际龙虾节) is held, in which many pop stars perform the open ceremony show. June 12 2011 is the first day of the festival this year.

Historical sites

A famous local site are the ruins of the Ming Ancestors' Mausoleum (明祖陵, Ming Zuling), built by the first Ming emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in honor of his ancestors who lived here.

The mausoleum site was flooded ca. 1680, when the Yellow River changed its course, merged with the Huai River, and the Hongze Lake appeared. (The nearby Ming-era city of Sizhou (泗州) was completely flooded by the same lake as well). In the 1960s, the lake waters receded; the stone figures of the mausoleum's Sacred Way (Shengdao) were subsequently recovered from the mud and re-erected. ()[1]

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  1. ^ Eric N. Danielson, "The Ming Ancestor Tomb". China Heritage Quarterly, No. 16, December 2008.